June_Half-Year Industrial Review|Dissecting the Global Technology Supply Chain for Industry Growth by 2024: Semiconductor Industry Overview

As we enter the mid-to-late second quarter of the year, with many major players having already announced their Q1 2023 revenues, the market is still focused on when the tech industry will turn around. Growth ... Read more

2023-07-18t11:12:33+08:002023/06/01|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: |

Industry Trend Report|Chiplet Revolutionary Semiconductor Technology

Chiplet Technology Development Dynamics From the previous article, we have discussed that in order to reduce power consumption and improve performance in semiconductor transistors, the semiconductor process continues to progress. ... Read more

2023-06-05t23:53:13+08:002022/12/16|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , |

Industry Trend Report|Technology Review and Bottlenecks in Semiconductor Development (Up)

According to a long-term study by market research firm IC Insights, consumer demand has had an increasing impact on the global semiconductor market since 2000, and in recent years, the market has become more and more dominated by consumer demand. ... Read more

2023-06-05t23:54:12+08:002022/12/01|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: |

Industry Trend Report|Technology Review and Bottlenecks in Semiconductor Development (Next)

Micrographics is a key process for determining the size of a component, and the exposure machine that creates the circuit pattern on the photoresist is the core equipment, according to the Rayleigh Criterion. ... Read more

2023-06-05t23:54:28+08:002022/12/01|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: |

Industry Trend Report|Global Semiconductor 2022 Review and 2023 Outlook (Next)

Global Semiconductor Market and Industry Outlook to 2023 According to the long-term tracking data from market research firm IC Insights, the global semiconductor market and industry outlook by 2010 is expected to grow at an average rate of 1.5 percent per year. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:05:02+08:002022/11/02|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: |

Industry Trend Report|Global Semiconductor 2022 Review and 2023 Outlook (Chinese)

Will the global semiconductor industry turn from an event to a slowdown or even a stagnation in 2022? Let's discuss from the previous section on wafer manufacturing, according to the statistics, the global semiconductor industry in 2021 is expected to grow to a record high. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:05:19+08:002022/11/02|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |

Industry Trend Report|Class III Semiconductor Trends in Electric Vehicle Applications

Currently, the operating voltage of commercially available electric vehicles is about 300~400V, and the range can already reach the level of fuel vehicles, but the slow charging time is still the biggest pain point. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:10:40+08:002022/09/08|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |
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