September_Panel Level Packaging|Fan Out Panel Level Packaging (FOPLP) Market and Technology Development Overview

Published On: 2024/10/01|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

According to a report released by market research firm Yole Développement, the global fan-out packaging market will reach US$1.86 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to US$3.43 billion in 2026, with major applications such as mobile devices and consumer electronics, telecommunications and infrastructure, and automotive accounting for US$1.61, US$1.60, and US$0.22 billion, respectively, and wafer foundries, The market shares of outsourced packaging and testing foundries and integrated component manufacturers are 71%, 19% and 10% respectively, while the market shares of fan-out wafer-level and panel-level packages are 87% and 13% respectively. UHD FOs with more than 18 I/Os per square millimeter and line width/spacing of the rewire layer of less than 5μm, HD FOs with I/Os per square millimeter between 6 and 12 and line width/spacing of the rewire layer of between 5μm and 15μm, and Core FOs with I/Os per square millimeter less than 6 and line width/spacing of the rewire layer of 15μm or greater, which are expected to be available by 2026.

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September_Panel Level Packaging|Global Fan-Out Panel Level Packaging (FOPLP) Development Status
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