July_Carbon Pricing|Cost Impact of Carbon Levy and Policy Direction

Published On: 2024/08/05|Categories: 綠能(Sustainable Energy)|

The recent discussion of carbon pricing in China follows the recent interview with the Minister of the Environment, who said, "The era of carbon pricing is approaching, and enterprises should respond to it as soon as possible, and the carbon fee will definitely be introduced by the end of this year. In addition, it was rumored in mid-July that the three sub-laws under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act will be introduced soon, which is expected to affect the timing, starting price, and offsetting conditions of the industries that will be subject to the carbon fee. Even before the relevant regulations are clarified, domestic environmental groups and relevant enterprises that are expected to be subject to the levy have begun to express the dichotomy between sustainability and cost through the media, implicitly calling for a confrontation in the air.

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