July_GAI Topic|GAI trend reshapes the server industry chain

Published On: 2023/07/18|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

AI applications are blooming, many people are afraid that they will be replaced by AI, AI authority Ben Goertzel (Ben Goertzel) said: Artificial intelligence may replace 80% of human jobs in the next few years, but I don't think this will constitute a threat, it's a good thing. It's a good thing. People can find more meaningful things to do than just work for a living," says Goetzel. Götzel agrees that almost all clerical work should be automated, while ITU Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin warns that AI could eventually lead to a nightmare scenario in which millions of jobs would be at risk, and unchecked development of AI could lead to untold social upheaval, geopolitical instability and economic disparity. GAI (Generative AI) applications have been all over the world in recent months and have been discussed in previous articles. However, as the warnings from all sides become more and more mundane, I am not sure if it means that lives are about to be threatened or changed, and jobs are going to be replaced in large numbers, but I am sure that the AI Generation is creeping up on you and me from afar.

The world's first Artificial Intelligence (AI) robot press conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland, on the 7th of this month, in which nine distinctive anthropomorphic robots (humanoid robot) made a rare appearance on the same stage. The nine AI robots emphasized that their role is to work alongside and help humans, and that they have no intention of taking away human jobs or even overthrowing human rule, despite suggesting that they would be more effective as government leaders, and despite rolling their eyes at questions from attendees. The responses of these nine so-called humanoid robots using GAI technology have really turned many people's imaginations upside down. They will excite AI worshippers and creep out the anti-AI crowd. Regardless of whether they can really rely on human free will to say these responses or whether they are generated by deliberate training of fixed items, ChatGPT has been a booming development of AI since the end of last year, and we believe that it can be regarded as the second revolution of AI at the present time.


  • The first revolution was when Deep Learning matured. Before that, AI was more like a science fiction to the general public, such as the movie Devil's Terminator. Deep Learning (English: Deep Learning) is a branch of Machine Learning, an algorithm that uses artificial neural networks as a framework for learning representations of data. The adjective "deep" in Deep Learning refers to the use of multiple layers in a network. Simply put, it allows computers to advance to the concept of accurate judgment and learning.


  • Next is the GAI trend driven by ChatGPT, which took off at the end of last year, and which we consider to be the second revolution of AI. It applies more computing power and database training to quickly produce humanoid simulations and answers that are difficult to determine whether they are true or false in the first place. Depending on the type of database, it is highly skilled in a specific field or task, and can generate text, images, video and audio, etc., and talk to the user. In other words, any AI that needs to be prompted to generate content or respond to requests by accessing stored information can be categorized as a GAI, e.g., the common text-to-speech and image-to-image translators, as well as more recent developments such as DALL-E, the pattern-based Generative Adversarial Network, and Generative pre-trained Transformers (GPT-3, GPT-3.5, GPT-4). Currently, they specialize in one or a few specific tasks, like an honorary professor in a very niche subject. The general public's perception of AI products has shifted from "artificial" assistants that may only be able to answer certain specific questions to "human" beings that can think for themselves in specific areas.


  • The third revolution, we believe, is the emergence of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), and when it reaches this stage, it will continue like the current digital industrial revolution. When it reaches this stage, it will continue like the current digital industrial revolution, where AGI can think, reason, perceive, deduce, and do what all humans can do. This is the meaning of General Artificial Intelligence. Theoretically, AGI (General Artificial Intelligence) can perform any intellectual task just like humans, but with fewer or no errors. Google's DeepMIND and MeTa's chief AI scientist Li-Kun Yang's launch of the new I-JEPA architecture in mid-June are closer to the concept of AGI. In the future, AGI is likely to play an important role in every conceivable field. For example, AGI combined with biotechnology can provide quality healthcare at a fraction of the cost. It can personalize treatment plans and speed up diagnosis with minimal errors; it can achieve fully automated driving, just like a driver who will never drink and drive and has no emotions to help the user; it can be an ace lawyer, writing perfect pleadings and discovering many subtle flaws; it can also be used to do more and more in a variety of fields, such as automation, research, education, agriculture, space exploration, and even more than many others. And even more than many others.

    Figure 5. ODM of NVIDIA AI-related products

    Source: NVIDIA; Collated by Ji-Pu Industrial Trend Research Institute 2023/07




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