Industry Trend Report|Intel and Global Key IC Manufacturers 2022 H1 Performance and H2 Outlook (Next)

Published On: 2022/10/12|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

After interviewing Intel, the world's major IC designers and Taiwan IC designers, we summarized our analysis as follows

(A) PC market situation is tough, Intel may not be able to defend its market share.

According to market research organizations, the second quarter of 2022 notebook shipments of 45.74 million units, a record low since the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, compared to the same period last year, a decline of 24.5%, the market research organizations even predicted that the annual shipments of 100 million units, compared to the decline of 14.7% in 2021, the number of units shipped is only 195 million units. Further observation of Intel's main product line revenue performance in the past two quarters, notebook revenue has been declining for two consecutive quarters, and even in the second quarter there are signs of continued expansion, and desktop also have the same situation.

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Industry Trend Report|Intel and Global Key IC Makers 2022 H1 Performance and H2 Outlook (Chinese)
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