Industry Trend Report|Intel and Global Key IC Manufacturers 2022 H1 Performance and H2 Outlook (Up)

Published On: 2022/10/11|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

As the world's major IC design companies announced their Q2 revenue, most of the market has already set its sights on the second half of 2022 and even the first half of 2023, and one of the issues that the market is most concerned about is the impact of inflationary pressures and the U.S.-Russia war on the global consumer market. 2021, due to the serious shortage of semiconductor production capacity to bring about a price increase in 2021 is certainly a very bright report card for IC designers, but in today's view, the global climate in 2022 is driven by a number of external factors, making the consumer market. However, the global economy in 2022 will be driven by many external factors, making the atmosphere of the consumer market extremely sluggish, and the consumer electronics and personal computer markets are generally poor, causing the related chip inventory level to rise significantly. Instead, there will be a few happy families and a few sad families.

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Industry Trend Report|Intel and Global Key IC Makers 2022 H1 Performance and H2 Outlook (Chinese)
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