Industry Trend Report|Third Semiconductor Development: Competitive Relationship among Major IDMs (Up)

Published On: 2022/09/20|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

As we all know, Class III semiconductors have always been a hot topic, and the major IDM companies in Europe, the United States and Japan have basically taken the lead in this field.STMicroelectronics,Infineon,WolfspeedandROHMAccording to the data provided by four IDM companies and third-party research organizations, STM is the leader in the SiC field. On the other hand, with the promotion of the net-zero carbon emission issue, the booming development of electric vehicles and the energy industry, which also promotes the development of power components, ST and the other four companies also intend to further increase the production capacity of SiC components, and the importance of the 8-inch fab in the long term is naturally self-evident. The importance of 8-inch fabs in the long run is self-evident. Unlike the physical characteristics of traditional silicon materials, the wide energy gap feature of Type III semiconductors allows the development of power or RF components that are superior to silicon process components in terms of performance and efficiency. For terminal systems, the use of Type III semiconductors is an irreversible development trend if they want to differentiate themselves from other competitors to create a leading edge. At this stage, most of the semiconductor companies that have invested in SiC and GaN chips are still IDMs from Europe, the U.S., and Japan. Although a few fabless IC designers have also invested in Class III semiconductors, IDMs still lead the overall market in terms of influence.


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Industry Trend Report|GaN Industry Chain Competitiveness
Industry Trend Report|Third Semiconductor Development: Competitive Relationship among Major IDMs (Next)
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