December_2024 Outlook|Review and Outlook of the Three Major Electronic Products in 2023 and 2024

Published On: 2023/12/19|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

In 2023, although the electronics market has been driven by AI for some products, the overall downturn in the past few years has affected the semiconductor industry to fall into a correction zone. In retrospect, the main reasons for this are the uncertainty of the global economic situation, inflationary recession, cloudy monopoly, and longer inventory depletion than expected (end of 2022). However, with the advent of 2024, the semiconductor market is expected to come out of the doldrums and begin to move towards the growth track. Inventory levels of upstream components will also gradually return to normal, and the market is expected to regain its growth momentum from the downturn. The three major electronic products [smartphone SP, personal computer PC and server Sever] faced different levels of challenges and opportunities in the past year, and we will discuss their 2023 review and 2024 outlook one by one.

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