September_SiC Silicon Carbide Special Topics|SiC Wafer Fabrication Process Technology Development Overview(Up)

Published On: 2023/09/01|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

The production of silicon carbide substrate needs to go through the process steps such as growing, cutting, edge guiding, grinding, polishing, cleaning, shipment inspection, etc., among which the key to affect the quality is the growing and cutting process. Silicon carbide was first synthesized artificially by Acheson in 1892, and then Lely improved the production method in 1955 to achieve better material quality. Although the purity of silicon carbide made in this way is relatively low, it has long been used as abrasive material, brake pads, heaters and refractory material because of its high hardness and resistance to high temperatures. It wasn't until 1995 that Cree developed a silicon carbide crystal growth technology that allowed for the production of larger sizes and high quality silicon carbide crystals, which led to the development of the industry.

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September_SiC Silicon Carbide Special Topics|SiC Wafer Fabrication Process Technology Development Overview(Next)
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