April_ChatGPT|ChatGPT Technology Development and Advantage Analysis

Published On: 2023/04/03|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

ChatGPTAn artificial intelligence chatbot program to be launched in November 2022 by OpenAI, a not-for-profit artificial intelligence company founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and Samuel H. Altman and headquartered in San Francisco, with the goal of solving the dilemmas and problems encountered by human beings in science and technology as the basis for future artificial intelligence research. The company's mission is to create a foundation for future artificial intelligence research by solving the technological dilemmas and problems facing humanity. The company is comprised of leading researchers and scholars from around the world who are developing artificial intelligence technologies through machine learning and academic research to create value for the global community and help humans understand their natural environment more fully. in 2018, Elon Musk stepped down from the board of directors in consideration of the potential conflict of interest between Tesla's self-driving technology development and OpenAI, and Altman has since taken over the company's operations. The company's operations are in the hands of Altman, who is now responsible for the company's operations. Because it could not afford the high cost of long-term training models, OpenAI shifted to a limited profit model in 2019. Soon after the reorganization, it received a $1 billion investment from Microsoft to obtain priority rights to commercialize some of its AI technologies, and facilitated the cooperation between the two companies in developing artificial intelligence technologies for the Azure cloud platform service. After the popularity of ChatGPT, in 2023, Microsoft invested billions of dollars to import its search engine Bing and browser Edge into ChatGPT's language module, in order to capture the huge search market opportunity. This move has caused Google to feel threatened, and founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have even gone back to the drawing board to supervise the research and development of artificial intelligence technology. Currently, OpenAI's main AI technologies include:

  • Machine learning: automated learning and application of new knowledge to improve AI performance.
  • Deep Learning: enables the development of deeper and more diverse applications that more effectively understand and simulate the behavior of artificial intelligence.
  • Natural language processing: deeper understanding and simulation of human speech behavior.
  • Autonomous Behavior: Understanding, Modeling, and Modeling Human Behavior.
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