Seminar|Key Technology Trends 2023 (Chinese)

Published On: 2022/11/16|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

After self-driving cars, what other Taiwanese apps are we looking for that will do well in 2023?

2023Key Trends in Science and Technology II

Low-orbit satellites are another industry we're optimistic will heat up Taiwan in 2023, a year of uncertainty. Low-orbit satellites are already a topic of discussion in 2022. From Starlink, which played an important role in assisting the Ukrainian army to resist the offensive in the Ukrainian-Russian war, allowing the Ukrainian government, army and the public to continue to use the Internet to communicate in the case of infrastructure destruction; to Hung Hai's Chairman, Mr. Liu Yang-wei, who said in a legal conference that Hung Hai intends to build a low-orbit satellite, "next year we may see it flying in the sky"; to the iPhone 14, which supports the rescue function of a low-orbit satellite, we have been talking about low orbit satellite. The iPhone 14 supports low-orbit satellite rescue function. In fact, the scope of satellite services is very wide, such as communication networks, remote sensing, navigation, television broadcasting and the Internet. Low-orbit satellites are the most commercially viable and least expensive to launch because they have the lowest construction costs, share some frequency bands with 5G, and have the shortest delay time, as shown in Table 1.

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