PV Industry Trend Report|Photovoltaic Industry Trend(Up)-Renewable Energy and PV Market Trend

Published On: 2022/10/05|Categories: 綠能(Sustainable Energy)|

As the earth continues to heat up, the climate system undergoes irreversible changes. In April 2022, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report (AR6 WG3), stating that the only chance for mankind to mitigate climate change is to reduce global GHG emissions by more than half by 2030, and that the current global energy source, 83%, is using fossil fuels as a source. The IPCC proposes the following specific measures for governments, including phasing out fossil fuels and switching to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power; protecting and restoring at least 30% of forests, oceans and other natural ecosystems; protecting and restoring at least 30% of forests, oceans and other natural habitats; and protecting and restoring at least 30% of forests, oceans and other natural habitats. The measures include phasing out fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power; protecting and restoring at least 30% of forests, oceans and other natural habitats; developing climate-friendly agriculture and food industries; and improving energy efficiency. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, countries around the world have put forward a variety of reduction strategies, major corporations and public and private sector organizations have annual carbon dioxide emissions reduction targets and target dates for achieving net zero emissions, and renewable energy has a low environmental impact of the cleanliness of the characteristics of the majority of the people recognized, therefore, countries are actively promoting the development of renewable energy strategies.

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