September_New Drugs|Nucleic Acids: A New Blue Ocean: New Drug Development Opportunities in the Spotlight

Nucleic acid therapy has unlimited potential and has become the focus of technology, capital and market pursuit Nucleic acid therapy is a drug composed of a string of nucleotides, which is used for the treatment of human genetic diseases, rare diseases, tumors and other diseases. ... Read more

2023-09-22t14:17:54+08:002023/09/22|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|

June_New Drugs|Microbiome therapy is back in the spotlight with FDA approval of new oral bacterial drug

It's Important to Nourish Good Bacteria for Good Health! Therapeutic microbiome is back in the spotlight The intestines and intestinal flora are regarded as the second brain and the second genome of the human body. ... Read more

2023-08-25t12:57:09+08:002023/06/13|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|

June_ADC Special|Marine Biological Resources, New Drug R&D Treasure Trove Business Opportunity Exploration

By following nature's example, mankind has taken cues from nature and has found many effective medicines for treating cancer, such as the familiar camptothecin, which is isolated from a plant. ... Read more

2023-07-18t10:41:18+08:002023/06/02|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|

May_Precision Healthcare|Precision Healthcare Industry Key Pulse, Focus on 4 Major Trends

In view of the global trend of an ageing society and the significant increase in health care expenditure, which has become a major economic and social challenge for many countries around the world, the current health care practices have been recognized as the most effective way to improve the health care system. ... Read more

2023-07-18t10:40:39+08:002023/05/15|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|

March_AI Medical Topics|AI /ML Intelligence leads to a new generation of medical equipment innovation.

The hottest topic right now is the global craze for ChatGPT chatbots, AI (Artificial Intelligence) / ML (Machine Learning), which is now more popular than ever. ... Read more

2023-07-18t10:40:04+08:002023/03/06|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|Tags: |

January_CES Feature|CES2023 Digital Health Development, Directly Hits the Elderly Technology into the Household Positive Ram

The pressure of elderly care is increasing rapidly, digital health technology creates a safety net from health care to home life In the era of longer life expectancy and low fertility rate, the world's population is increasing. ... Read more

2023-07-18t10:32:21+08:002023/01/20|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|
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