August_Optical Communication|Advanced Optical Communication Module Technology Development(Up)

Published On: 2024/08/16|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

Continuing the market analysis of optical communication modules in the previous two articles, we will now discuss the current trend and status of the important technology development of optical communication. The data center investment wave driven by the rise of generative AI has become an important factor driving the development of optical communication module technology, the biggest use of which is in the internal switches and servers connected to each other's signals, the optical communication module and switch chip technology development trends are listed in Table 1. At present, the signal transmission rate of 800 Gbit / s optical communication module has been mass production, and 400 Gbit / s optical communication module sales are growing rapidly, the index of the major manufacturers have begun a higher rate of 1.6 Tbit / s optical communication module research and development work.

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July_Optical Communication Market|Optical Communication Module Market Development Analysis(Next)
August_Optical Communication|Advanced Optical Communication Module Technology Development(M)
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