May_Nuclear Energy|Trends in Nuclear Fusion Technology(Upper)

Published On: 2024/05/31|Categories: 綠能(Sustainable Energy)|

At the end of April 2024, the WEST Tokamak reactor at the Cadarache Nuclear Energy Research Center in the south of France reported a continuous reaction for more than six minutes, producing a Q value 1.15 times higher than the input energy, bringing back the importance of nuclear fusion, which has always been considered as the ultimate clean energy source. However, what are the challenges that need to be overcome in the development of nuclear fusion and how far is this technology from commercialization? In this article, we will look at how long it will take for this ultimate energy solution, which is believed to be based on the same principles as stellar heating, to reach our world, in terms of its principles, comparisons of current technologies, challenges encountered in nuclear fusion, and future trends in the nuclear fusion industry.

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May_Nuclear Energy|Trends in Nuclear Fusion Technology(below)
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