May_Electric Vehicle Feature|Tesla's electric vehicle sales in light of its fickleness

Published On: 2024/05/23|Categories: 綠能(Sustainable Energy)|

The past month has been a roller coaster ride of highs and lows for Tesla shareholders. Its stock price first fell to a one-year low on the back of sluggish sales at the start of the year and news of 10% layoffs, but after the earnings report, a rapid uptrend driven by the expected early announcement of lower-priced models and the upcoming launch of AI-inspired products such as Autopilot (FSD) and Robotaxi, was halted by the announcement of 500 layoffs in the fast-charging division, and a week later Elone Musk announced a $500 million investment in a new construction facility. Surprisingly, a week later Elone Musk announced a $500 million investment in new fast charging stations.

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