October_Silicon Photonics|Global Silicon Photonics Market Overview(Next)

Published On: 2023/09/25|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

According to a report published by Yole Développement in 2022, the global silicon photonics market is expected to grow from $151 million in 2021 to $927 million in 2027, with a CAGR of 36%. Intel is the market leader, with a 58% market share; Intel is the market leader with a market share of 581 TP3T; Cisco, which has acquired Lightwire, Luxtera, and Acacia, is the second largest with a market share of 291 TP3T; and the rest are smaller companies, as shown in Figure 2.

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October_Silicon Photonics|Global Silicon Photonics Market Overview(Up)
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