March_AI Medical Topics|AI /ML Intelligence leads to a new generation of medical equipment innovation.

Published On: 2023/03/06|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|

The hottest topic right now is the ChatGPT chatbot, the world's craziest chatbot, AI (Artificial Intelligence) / ML (Machine Learning) is now more popular in life applications such as autonomous driving, voice assistants, and chatbots, and with the power and completeness of the AI / ML functions in recent years, it is also gradually creating an integration of the application of the medical end of the crazy tide.

From the perspective of three major trends, AI/ML application in medical devices is developing rapidly, (1) the cumulative number of US FDA-approved AI/ML-embedded medical devices continues to rise, and as of October 2022, the US FDA has approved 521 pieces of AI/ML-assisted medical devices; (2) with the full-scale application of AI in digital wearable devices in the 2023 CES, AI/ML seems to be the standard configuration for new-generation medical devices and innovative digital health devices; and (3) recent acquisitions by international medical manufacturers have placed more emphasis on AI/ML-assisted content, and AI/ML has become the standard configuration for new generation of medical devices and innovative digital health devices. AI/ML has become the standard configuration for new generation medical devices and innovative digital health devices; and (3) recent acquisitions by international medical manufacturers have placed more emphasis on the content of AI/ML assistance, and AI/ML has become the preferred target for acquisitions, all of which demonstrate the importance of AI/ML applications in medical devices. In addition, with the future trend of medical demand for "telemedicine" and "virtual clinic", the public will have a hybrid model of virtual and real medical care, and through ICT technology to synchronize and connect medical and health information at the hospital, clinic, and home care ends, AI /ML will be introduced into more medical equipment and digital health devices, and the application of basic algorithms to complex AI/ML-assisted diagnostic products will be helpful in creating precision and high efficiency, This trend will also promote the innovation and value-added of new-generation medical products, allowing manufacturers to seek to sell a wider variety of devices to hospitals. This trend will also promote the innovation and value-added of new-generation medical products, allowing manufacturers to seek to sell a wider variety of equipment and instruments to hospitals.

According to Grand View Research's Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Market Report, the global healthcare AI market will reach US$15.4 billion in 2022, with a CAGR of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030, and the market will reach US$208.2 billion in 2030. AI/ML is considered a new growth point for medical devices. AI/ML is regarded as a new growth point for medical devices. Unlike the past, medical devices are not only developing towards portability, lightweight and affordability, but are also developing towards intelligence and integration in response to the use of medical devices in hospitals, emergency clinics, or home healthcare. AI/ML-enabled medical devices combine continuous digital medical records, electronic medical records, data databases, or alarm systems to help medical professionals monitor and assess patient conditions, and provide intensive diagnostic assistance that physicians cannot perform, allowing physicians to seamlessly integrate their tasks with the smart medical system, and thus AI/ML is changing the rules of the game in the healthcare market.

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