Industry Trend Report|Intel and Global Key IC Makers 2022 H1 Performance and H2 Outlook (Chinese)

Published On: 2022/10/11|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

This is followed by the recent revenue performance and inventory status of Broadcom, Marvell, NVIDIA, AMD, and two other Taiwanese IC design majors, and finally a look at where the market is headed in the second half of 2022.


Broadcom and Marvell

Broadcom has always been known for its networking and server storage solutions, and most of Marvell's solutions are highly competitive with Broadcom's. Both companies reported good revenue performance in the first half of the year. The revenue performance of these two companies in the first half of the year also paid a good report card.

Broadcom's main revenue comes from wireline networking solutions, which account for about 30% of the total revenue, and cellular wireless networking solutions, which account for about 20% to 30% of the total revenue. Overall, Broadcom benefited from the steady demand from cloud service providers and infrastructure, excluding the slight decline in the industrial product line, which accounted for a relatively low percentage of overall revenue, while the other four product lines showed double-digit growth, resulting in an annual growth of 31.1% in the second quarter, with revenue of $6.492 billion. Broadcom's revenue exceeded US$6 billion for two consecutive quarters.

Figure 1. Broadcom Revenue Performance

Unit: millions of dollars

Source: Broadcom

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