Industry Trend Report|Taiwan's Pigment Epithelial Derivative Factor (PEDF) New Drugs Differentiated R&D and Flexible Business Model for Global Deployment

Published On: 2022/09/02|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|

In recent years, there are many companies that have been engaged in the research and development of new small molecule peptide drugs, from upstream APIs such as ScinoPharm and Jianyi Biotech, to new drug development companies such as Quanfu, Taiwan Microsystems, ImmunoKongfang, EDA Biotech, Lianya, Fasino, Escleribiun, and even well-known drug manufacturers such as Lin Yang, Mazhi, Porui, and Dajiang, which have been investing aggressively in peptide drugs in recent years. Peptide anti-cancer drugs and peptide vaccines are the mainstays. Some companies have also adopted differentiated strategies to develop brand new drugs, such as drugs for rare diseases and orphans, in an effort to shorten the time-to-market and obtain a longer franchise period.

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