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June_Half-Year Industrial Review|Dissecting the Global Technology Supply Chain, 2024 will be the Year of Industry Growth:Industry Summary

If we look at the general direction of the major IC design, foundry and even the ... Read more

By |2023/06/06|Comments Off on 六月_上半年產業回顧|剖析全球科技供應鏈,2024年方能迎來產業成長期:產業總結

June_Half-Year Industry Review|Analyzing the Global Technology Supply Chain, 2024 will be the Year of Industry Growth: Apple and Lenovo

Apple has been a leader in the world of consumer electronics, and in addition to the ... Read more

By |2023/06/05|Comments Off on 六月_上半年產業回顧|剖析全球科技供應鏈,2024年方能迎來產業成長期:蘋果與聯想

June_Half-Year Industry Review|Analyzing the Global Technology Supply Chain, 2024 will be the Year of Industry Growth: Foundry and TSMC

2023 Global Foundries to Face a Challenge Since Q2022 ... Read more

By |2023/06/04|Comments Off on 六月_上半年產業回顧|剖析全球科技供應鏈,2024年方能迎來產業成長期:晶圓代工與台積電

June_Half-Year Industry Review|Dissecting the Global Technology Supply Chain for Industry Growth Until 2024:Taiwan IC Design Co.

Domestic IC Designers Deduct MediaTek [See previous post for data discussion ... Read more

By |2023/06/03|Comments Off on 六月_上半年產業回顧|剖析全球科技供應鏈,2024年方能迎來產業成長期:台灣IC設計公司

June_Half-Year Industry Review|Analyzing the global technology supply chain, the industry growth period will only come in 2024: AP/ CPU/ GPU makers

Currently, the market is generally optimistic about global smartphone shipments in 2023. ... Read more

By |2023/06/02|Comments Off on 六月_上半年產業回顧|剖析全球科技供應鏈,2024年方能迎來產業成長期:AP/ CPU/ GPU大廠

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