Industry Trend Report|Third Semiconductor Development: Competitive Relationship among Major IDMs (Up)

As we all know, Class III semiconductors have always been a hot topic, and the major IDM companies in Europe, the United States and Japan are basically in the forefront of this field. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:09:47+08:002022/09/20|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |

Industry Trend Report|Class III Semiconductors Reinventing Critical Technologies for Electric Vehicles, Defense, and Aerospace

Type III semiconductor materials also need to go through substrate, epitaxial, IC design, manufacturing, packaging and other steps to produce a wafer, which can be used to process high-voltage and high-frequency signals. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:13:31+08:002022/08/30|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |

Industry Trend Report|Global Type III Semiconductor Major Manufacturers Development Status

Silicon Carbide Industry Chain The silicon carbide industry can be divided into upstream substrate/epitaxial, midstream components/modules, and downstream systems, etc. Silicon carbide has a variety of isotropic structures, and is mainly used in the production of silicon carbide. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:13:50+08:002022/08/30|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |
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