November_FPGA Topics|Worldwide FPGA Market Status Discussion(Next)

Published On: 2023/11/29|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

According to the market research firm Data Intelo, the market size of FPGA applications in 2027 is estimated to be 29% for automotive, 24% for communications, 19% for industrial, 15% for consumer electronics, and 13% for data centers, in descending order. New enterprises have always dominated the development of FPGA technology and market. Five start-ups, Altera, Lattice, Xilinx, Actel, and QuickLogic, were established in the 1980s and have become important suppliers of FPGAs. Meanwhile, other FPGA companies such as Crosspoint, DynaChip, and Zycad have withdrawn from the market because of their inability to compete with the above vendors. Among the large enterprises, only AT&T and Motorola have launched FPGA products, but they are not self-developed, but have obtained technology licenses from Xilinx and Pilkington to develop their products. Other large enterprises that have researched and developed but have not launched FPGA products include TI, Panasonic, Infineon and ROHM. Among them, TI and Panasonic have cooperated with Actel, while Infineon and ROHM have cooperated with Zycad, and now these large enterprises have all withdrawn from the FPGA business. According to a report by market research firm Frost & Sullivan, the market share of global FPGA vendors in 2021 will be approximately 52% for Xilinx, 34% for Altera, 5% for Lattice, and 4% for Actel in that order, which indicates that the market is monopolized by these four major vendors, and the development overview is described below. The development is summarized as follows

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November_FPGA Topics|Worldwide FPGA Market Status Discussion(Up)
November_FPGA Topics|Global FPGA Technology Development Overview(Up)
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