October_Silicon Photonics|Taiwan Silicon Photonics Industry and Technology Development Overview

Published On: 2023/09/25|Categories: 科技(Technology)|

In the past, since silicon photonics was mainly at the stage of technology research and development without extensive commercial applications, almost no domestic manufacturers, except for a few academic institutions, invested in R&D. As a result, silicon photonics technology in China lagged far behind that of Europe and the U.S., and the situation has only changed in recent years. 2018, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) initiated the Silicon Photonics and Integrated Circuits (SIPIC) Project. By integrating the R&D energies and resources of the academia, the multi-project wafer services of the NRI Wafer Center, the customized process services of the National Nanode Component Laboratory, and the measurement platform and packaging services of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), the program will research and develop the silicon photonics and integrated circuit technology-based system-applied optoelectronic wafers, with the main development goals of achieving technological practicability and promoting industrial applications. Within four years, NT$320 million will be allocated to complete core technology development and system chip architecture design in the first two years, system chip production and performance optimization in the third year, and system demonstration in the fourth year to enable subsequent application and promotion of the technology with vendors. The five teams will be subsidized to develop gyroscope, multi-functional biomedical testing, 5G enabling antenna, optical transceiver, and co-modulated optical transceiver chip modules.

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