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Global Electric Vehicle Batteries: An Uncertain Market with Great Potential

In recent years, the world has been highly concerned about environmental protection issues, including the European Union, the United States, the United States of America, the United States of America, and the United States of America. ... Read more

By |2022/07/20|Comments Off on 產業趨勢報告|全球電動車電池:具潛力的未定市場

Industry Trend Report|Global Genetic Sequencing Mergers and Acquisitions: From Testing Machines to Testing Services

With the advancement of genetic technology, genetic testing has been widely used in medical and healthcare applications. ... Read more

By |2022/07/04|Comments Off on 產業趨勢報告|全球基因定序大廠併購探討:從檢測機台轉向檢測服務

Industry Trend Report|Next Generation Sequencing Technology Increases Sensitivity, Expanding Opportunities for Companion Diagnostic Products

In the past, gene sequencing was limited by its technical sensitivity to detect viruses at an early stage. ... Read more

By |2022/07/04|Comments Off on 產業趨勢報告|次世代定序技術靈敏度大幅提升,拓增伴隨式診斷商品應用商機

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