March_Smart Capsule Chipset Topics|Global Smart Capsule SoC Chipset Supplier Product Technology Analysis(Part1)

As automotive technology evolves towards intelligence and electrification, its electronic and electrical architecture is following the trend of distributed, domain-centralized, and centrally-centralized. In the early days of mechanized cockpits ... Read more

2024-04-30t17:08:48+08:002024/03/26|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , , , |

January_Intel AI Chip Feature|Intel's Product and Strategy Intentions for AI Chips (Part2)

Server GPU has initial results, but the market share still needs time to ferment Intel's development of GPUs has been a period of time, and its product strategy is similar to that of NVI. ... Read more

2024-04-30t17:26:08+08:002024/02/02|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , , , , |
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