June_EV Design|Electric Vehicle Design Service Leads Taiwan's Electronics Industry to a New Way Forward

In the era of electric vehicles, the development cycle has been shortened and the demand for new models has increased dramatically. In the era of electric vehicles, the demand for electric vehicles has increased dramatically, and car manufacturers are facing a competitive situation. ... Read more

June_EV Design|Electric Vehicle Design Service: Demand for models is rising, can traditional car manufacturers catch up?

In the second half of 2022, under the shadow of the global economic downturn, electric vehicle sales for the whole year still produced a very good report card, with a total of 9.8 million YoY units sold. ... Read more

May_Rechargeable Pile|Electric Vehicle Hot Sales Driving Rechargeable Pile Development Trend(Next)

In order to meet the needs of the rapid development of electric vehicles, the number of charging piles will increase, and the demand for electricity will become more and more significant, the future stability of the power grid system will be a challenge; but on the other hand, it is not easy to find a solution to the problem. ... Read more

April_Hydrogen Energy Analysis|Low Carbon Hydrogen Energy Industry Development and Trends (Next)

Low Emission Hydrogen Storage and Transportation According to the organization, the global hydrogen storage market will reach US$15.6 billion by 2022 and will grow at a CAGR of 7.1% by 2030. ... Read more

April_Hydrogen Energy Analysis|Low Carbon Hydrogen Energy Industry Development and Trends(Up)

       Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table and one of the most abundant elements in the universe. Since hydrogen contains no carbon atoms, its combustion produces only water. ... Read more

March_AI Medical Topics|AI /ML Intelligence leads to a new generation of medical equipment innovation.

The hottest topic right now is the global craze for ChatGPT chatbots, AI (Artificial Intelligence) / ML (Machine Learning), which is now more popular than ever. ... Read more

2023-07-18t10:40:04+08:002023/03/06|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|Tags: |

January_2023 CES Feature|CES Gaming Trends and Highlights 2023 (Top)

According to the agency report, since the outbreak of the epidemic began to game the total population has been growing steadily, the end of 2022 has come to 3.2 billion people, which in addition to cell phone games are still no surprise! ... Read more

January_CES Feature|CES 2023 Automotive Focus and Trends (Top)

The 2023 CES starts on 1/6~1/8 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Unlike last year, when only some countries were open, resulting in a limited scale, the 2023 CES will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, from 1/6~1/8. ... Read more

Industry Trend Report|Global Renewable Energy Review 2022

Global Renewable Energy Market Review by Region, 2022 The Covid-19 epidemic that ravaged the world has prompted governments to adopt a program of blocking measures, which not only makes renewable energy use more difficult, but also makes it more difficult. ... Read more

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