Corporate News|2022 PharmaTech Third Quarter Press Conference

Published On: 2022/11/16|Categories: 產業快訊(News)|

(6446) was invited to participate in an online seminar today (14), CEO Lin Guozhong said, the 4th quarter operation is expected to maintain growth, the new drug Ropeginterferon alfa-2b-njft (Ropeg, i.e., P1101) next year in the U.S. market penetration rate steadily increased, and a positive view of next year's operating performance.

Overseas market forensics.

It is expected to obtain the Japanese drug license in the first half of 2023, and is expected to send the application for the Chinese drug license in early 2023, while Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong are in the process of preparing for the application for the drug license.

Third Quarter Revenue Results.

1. PharmaEssentia's third quarter revenue was mainly contributed by Ropeg's sales in the U.S. market, which accounted for more than 50% of total revenue, and reached NT$1.1 billion in the third quarter, an increase of 7,81% compared to the same period last year.

2. Gross margins for the third quarter were up significantly from the previous quarter, with gross margins of 76%, an increase of 50 percentage points from 26% in the same period last year (up 17 percentage points from 59% in the previous quarter). (Gross profit margin was 76%, an increase of 50 percentage points from 26% in the same period last year, and an increase of 17 percentage points from 59% in the previous quarter.)

3. Operating expenses also increased significantly, up 62% from NT$800 million in the same period last year, while net loss per share was NT$1.44 in the third quarter, down from NT$2.7 in the same period last year.

Access and price.

The distribution of the teaching hospital pathway has reached the expected goal, the next stage is to strengthen the community hospital pathway, the price of the drug will also follow the way the U.S. pharmaceutical companies sell drugs, will be increased twice a year, following the July increase, the price of drugs for a year of nearly 190,000 U.S. dollars, and the end of the year, the price of the drug will also be increased.

Development Planning.

Pharmatech will establish an Innovation Research Center in the U.S. under the leadership of the new Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Liling Lin, to bring in more R&D energy to develop Best in Class and Fist in Class therapeutic drugs, and continue to expand the diversified pipeline of exhibits.

Marketing Activities.

Pharmachem will participate in the American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting in early December, in which a number of research papers will be presented on the use of Ropeg in the treatment of PV and the possibility of expanding it to other indications, including the results of trials in the United States, Korea, China and Hong Kong. Recently, MSCI announced its semi-annual adjustment results, and PharmaTech was selected as a constituent of the Global Standardized Index, which is expected to attract more active and passive capital attention. Meanwhile, it will participate in the 21st Annual Asia Pacific Summit organized by Morgan Stanley in Singapore from 16th to 18th of this month, and it is the only company in Taiwan's biotech industry to be invited.

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