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Industry Trend Report|Electric Vehicle Demand Drives Taiwan's Automotive Electronics Manufacturers to Connect with the World

From self-driving functions to entertainment functions, the automotive industry is interested in electronic components. ... Read more

By |2022/09/07|Comments Off on 產業趨勢報告|電動車需求推動台灣車用電子廠商與世界接軌

Industry Trend Report|Resolving Mileage Concerns, Demand for Charging Facilities Leads to Supply Chain Growth.

In recent years, the penetration rate of electric vehicles has been growing year by year, driving the market's interest in "charging". ... Read more

By |2022/09/07|Comments Off on 產業趨勢報告|解決里程焦慮,充電設施需求帶動供應鍊成長。

Industry Trend Report|Russian-Ukrainian war affects electric vehicle industry chain, battery recycling industry and hydrogen fuel cell industry are on the rise.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the key material for electric vehicles is mineral ore, which is used in the production of electric vehicles. ... Read more

By |2022/09/07|Comments Off on 產業趨勢報告|俄烏戰爭影響電動車產業鏈,電池循環利用產業及氫燃料電池產業興起。

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