June_EV Design|Electric Vehicle Design Service Leads Taiwan's Electronics Industry to a New Way Forward

In the era of electric vehicles, the development cycle has been shortened and the demand for new models has increased dramatically. In the era of electric vehicles, the demand for electric vehicles has increased dramatically, and car manufacturers are facing a competitive situation. ... Read more

Corporate News|2022 Hon Hai 2nd Quarter Press Conference

Hung Hai (2317-TW) held a press conference on August 10, 2022 and announced its Q2 financial results. Benefiting from the growth in shipments of consumer smart products, Hung Hai (2317-TW) reported Q2 revenues of NT$1.5 billion and NT$1.5 billion, respectively. ... Read more

2022-12-27t13:25:01+08:002022/08/11|Categories: 產業快訊(News)|Tags: , |
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