Industry Trend Report|GaN Industry Chain Competitiveness

Gallium Nitride (GaN) RF components are mainly used in the defense and telecommunication sectors, with the former being the main market driver. Currently, military Gallium Nitride RF component suppliers include Northrop ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:10:05+08:002022/09/08|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , , |

Industry Trend Report|Class III Semiconductor Trends in Electric Vehicle Applications

Currently, the operating voltage of commercially available electric vehicles is about 300~400V, and the range can already reach the level of fuel vehicles, but the slow charging time is still the biggest pain point. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:10:40+08:002022/09/08|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |
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