October_Silicon Photonics|Global Silicon Photonics Technology Development Overview(Up)

Currently, silicon photonics technology is usually fabricated on SOI wafers containing a laser source that converts electrical signals into optical signals, a light sensor that converts optical signals into electrical signals, and an optical sensor that converts optical signals into electrical signals. ... Read more

2023-09-25t14:29:34+08:002023/09/25|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |

October_Silicon Photonics|Global Silicon Photonics Market Overview(Up)

With the rapid development of new technologies such as AI, Internet of Things, 5G, etc. driving the demand for huge amounts of data computing, in addition to the use of high-speed computing chips, inter-chip communication is another way to improve operation. ... Read more

2023-09-25t14:28:29+08:002023/09/25|Categories: 科技(Technology)|Tags: , , |
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