The Golden Peak Awards 2023

Published On: 2023/03/30|Categories: 媒體曝光(Media)|

Congratulations! Our company was awarded the 22nd Golden Peak Award 2023 "Top 10 Outstanding Enterprises" and "Top 10 Outstanding Enterprise Entrepreneurial Models".Double Award

Chipotle Industry Trends Research Institute (CITRI) was selected from several companies to win the 22nd Golden Peak Awards, including the Top 10 Outstanding Enterprises and the Top 10 Outstanding Entrepreneurial Role Models! ByOutstanding Enterprise Managers Association of the Republic of ChinaOrganizer, the Golden Peak Award, which has a longer history, is awarded to recognize the efforts of quality companies and leaders to stimulate innovation and reform and maintain Taiwan's high global competitiveness.

Congratulations! Our company was awarded the 17th 2022 "Top 10 Potential Enterprises" and "Top 10 Potential Managers" awards.

Golden Torch Award Ceremony

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