Industry Trend Report|Taiwan's Pigment Epithelial Derivative Factor (PEDF) New Drugs Differentiated R&D and Flexible Business Model for Global Deployment

In recent years, there have been a number of small molecule peptide research and development companies in China, ranging from upstream APIs such as ScinoPharm and Jianyi Biotech, to new drug development companies such as Quanfu and Taiwan Microsystems. ... Read more

2023-06-06t00:12:28+08:002022/09/02|Categories: 大健康(Healthcare)|Tags: , |

Industry Trend Report|Stem Cell Research Advances New Drugs for Dry Eye and Degenerative Arthritis

Stem Cell Research Fuels New Drug Development Small molecule drugs are expanding in the direction of drug development thanks to advances in cell biology research on stem cells and immunomodulation. ... Read more

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